

致敬女性力量 | 做不被定義的“她”

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2024-03-13 13:59:27閱讀次數(shù):



To all the unique and shining women:
       In this March with spring blossoms, we sincerely wish you a happy holiday. May your life be like a galloping horse, crossing thousands of mountains and rivers, without fear. 
       It is you who light up every corner of life with endless charm and wisdom, and inject a steady stream of vitality into the development of society. You are not only the guardians of the family, but also the promoters of society. You use the power of women to write a glorious chapter belonging to this era. May you not be afraid of the future, be firm and powerful in every step, be fruitful in every journey, and move forward bravely.
       Coolbaby pays the highest respect to all ordinary and great women. We wish you a happy International Women’s Day, live your own wonderful life, and achieve a better version of yourself!

Anhui Coolbaby Science & Technology Development Corporation
March 8, 2024

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